The Liberty Village BIA recently announced the beginning of Cinq à Sept. Cinq à Sept (Five to Seven) is perhaps a bit more Parisian than Torontonian, but it is high time we take back our post-work hours and celebrate finishing a hard day!
So, what exactly IS Cinq à Sept? A bit of history…
In the days of Maupassant, mustaches and mistresses, the affluent Frenchman could not do without his ‘cinq à sept’ – 5-to-7 p.m. – evening liaison with his paramour. Then he dashed home for a 7:30 dinner with his wife. While Parisians may have dropped this innovation in amatory technique, they remain committed to the notion of cinq à sept – a gathering with friends and colleagues at the end of the work day. Escaping rush hour traffic and unwinding with a glass of cheer and a light bite before heading home, to the theatre or their favorite resto.
What better location to revive the early evening delight than tucked away in Liberty Village? Unless fighting your way home through gridlock traffic is more appealing, we cannot imagine a better way to finish your day and begin your evening! Bon 5a7!
For a full listing of restaurants and businesses participating in Cinq a Sept – visit: www.lvbia.com/5a7