Checking in on Loveblocks Erica Crawford, all the way over in Marlborough, New Zealand.

Checking in on Loveblock’s Erica Crawford, all the way over in Marlborough, New Zealand.


As we interview our friends around the world regarding the impact of COVID-19 upon their lives and businesses, it was a great pleasure to catch up with GFR regular, Erica Crawford of Loveblock Wines.

Always a woman of remarkable insight, it was great to hear her take upon the turbulent times that we all find ourselves in these days.

If you are having trouble viewing this video please click here.

Loveblock are represented in Ontario by The Vine Agency.

The Vine Agency are Good Food Fighters.

Please support the businesses and organizations that support Good Food Revolution.


Edinburgh-born/Toronto-based Sommelier, consultant, writer, judge, and educator Jamie Drummond is the Director of Programs/Editor of Good Food Revolution… And he’d love to share an ACTUAL glass of wine with Erica!