Gold Medal Plates
Founded back in 2003, Gold Medal Plates was conceived as a project to raise substantial...
Read Moreby Jamie Drummond | Sep 27, 2012 | Good Food TV | 2
Founded back in 2003, Gold Medal Plates was conceived as a project to raise substantial...
Read Moreby Jamie Drummond | Apr 27, 2012 | Good Food Culture | 0
Good Food Revolution reports upon the Ocean Wise: Tides of Change event at Luma restaurant where the new Ontario Advisory Panel is announced to Toronto media. A new step forward for Ocean Wise in the province.
Read Moreby | Jan 21, 2011 | Good Food TV | 0
When I ask Kouprie how he would describe his cuisine, he says, “Good question,” pauses and decides, “thoughtful. That’s really what we’re trying to do here.” This is as good a cue as any to bring Geary’s role into the picture.
Read Moreby Jamie Drummond | Nov 17, 2010 | Good Food TV | 1
It has been around a year since we covered the launch of Ocean Wise in Ontario. In the last 12 months so much has happened, with Ocean Wise partnering with an astounding number of suppliers, retailers, and restaurants.
This week we revisit Oceanwise, speaking with a number of Toronto Chefs who have embraced the program, as well as Oceanwise’s Mike McDermid and Jaye Russell who were both in town from Vancouver for Ocean Wise week and the Ocean Wise Sustainable Seafood Chowder Chowdown.
Read Moreby | May 27, 2010 | Good Food Culture | 1
On May 19, I enjoyed my second visit to the Empty Bowls fundraiser at the Gardiner Museum – which isn’t saying much as the event is in its 18th year. For a mere $45, guests get to choose and keep a unique, handmade bowl, and taste (if they can manage it) 20 different soups by a selection of the top chefs in the city… all in a beautiful space, on a gorgeous spring day… and, ALL the proceeds go to the Anishnawbe Health Centre for aboriginal people in downtown Toronto.
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