Tag: Nick Saul

Photo Essay: The Stop’s Chef Challenge at Parts and Labour

On the evening of February 28, at Parts and Labour on Parkdale’s Queen Street strip, The Stop Community Food Centre launched it’s March-long Stop for Food program. Participating restaurants (click here for the full list) across Toronto will give a portion of the price of a special prix-fixe menu directly to The Stop. To make the party interesting, two teams of young chefs, each led by one of Parts and Labour’s two chefs, Matty Matheson and Matt deMille, competed in a competition.

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Keith Froggett and Carl Korte on The Stop at Scaramouche

Perched at the top of the Avenue Road Hill, Scaramouche literally and gastronomically lords over the city of Toronto. This is where chefs take their wives for dinner and Bay Street titans celebrate the bonus they’ll use to build that wine cellar for their top Burgundies. And dedicated foodies and/or winos save up for, for whatever other big night might come along. Scaramouche never misses a top spot on any critic’s list, and restaurant partners Keith Froggett in the kitchen and Carl Korte in the dining room make sure of it every evening.

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Jamie Oliver at The Stop’s Green Barn

Eight-year old Parker sat quietly on a bench next to me drinking a small plastic cup of milk. I didn’t notice him at first because I was riveted by the spectacle before, the world famus chef, restaurateur, author, TV star, social entrepreur and general food revolution agitator Jamie Oliver was on his knees teaching knife skills at a table surrounded by 8 to 13 year old kids, volunteers from The Stop and a bunch of big burly camera and sound men from the TV networks. When I did notice Parker, and we introduced ourselves, he took a pause and asked me, “Who is that guy exactly?”

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