QR Codes on Wine Labels
It is nearly impossible for a wine review on Twitter to elaborate beyond ‘Good red wine. Drink now’.
Read Moreby | Nov 4, 2011 | GFR Opinion Piece | 2
It is nearly impossible for a wine review on Twitter to elaborate beyond ‘Good red wine. Drink now’.
Read Moreby | Oct 6, 2011 | GFR Opinion Piece | 1
By Kylie Meyermann During the holidays some people tend to shy away from the elaborate cheese...
Read Moreby | Sep 19, 2011 | GFR Opinion Piece | 0
By Kylie Meyermann I’ve spent the majority of my life completely oblivious to the...
Read Moreby | Sep 9, 2011 | GFR Opinion Piece | 0
On September 10, the LCBO is launching their goLOCAL Collection. For an entire month, the LCBO is providing their customers with the opportunity to discover their favourite Ontario wine. I recently spent a day in Niagara, touring some of the participating wineries, tasting some great wines and learning about the push to get LCBO customers to “goLocal”.
Read Moreby | Aug 26, 2011 | Good Food Culture | 1
The choice of fuel is a significant factor in building the terroir of the cheese. In Canada, maple is a common choice of fuel. The wood produces a rustic caramel tone in the cheese.
Read Moreby | Aug 12, 2011 | Good Food Culture | 0
Our resident Cheese Fanatic Kylie Meyerman gives us her take on creating the perfect cheese platter.
Read Moreby | Aug 4, 2011 | Good Food Culture | 1
The Environmental Working Group recently released a report that assesses the greenhouse gas emissions and health effects of certain food types. Meat and cheese were equally matched for earning the grand title as the greatest offenders. While lamb and beef have always been pointed to as the worst greenhouse-gas culprits, cheese was an unexpected third medalist. What???
Read Moreby | Jul 22, 2011 | Good Food Culture | 0
Many cheese purists will argue that pasteurized cheese is a bastardization of authentic terroir and health gurus will counter this. While there are striking differences between the two cheeses, they should not be as drastically labelled sinner or saint.
Read Moreby | Jul 15, 2011 | Good Food Culture | 2
Saanen (Swiss) goats are the most preferred breed because they can yield more than 20 pounds of milk per day. That’s more than double what other breeds of goats produce! The Poitenive goat is from western France and is the ancient breed that produces many of the Loire Valley’s chèvres.
Read Moreby | Jul 8, 2011 | Good Food Culture | 0
Cheese is 80 to 87 percent water, since water is the main ingredient in milk. As curds coagulate into a large mass, they expel their whey, which is mostly water. This step of the process is called syneresis.
Read Moreby | Jun 24, 2011 | Good Food Culture | 0
By Kylie Meyermann Cheese is a food celebrated and revered by most Canadians. While many countries...
Read Moreby | Jun 17, 2011 | GFR Opinion Piece | 2
Klahsen’s Piacere is Fleur du Maquis’s Canadian cousin. Piacerre is made with pasteurized sheep milk that Klahsen buys from 19 Amish shepherds who live in a colony just south of Ingersoll.
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