Tag: Slow Food Canada

The Canadienne Cow, Slow Food Ark of Taste

The Canadienne is the only breed of dairy cow native to North America, developed in French Canada during the 16th to 17th century from breeds imported from Normandy and Brittany. It was bred for hardiness in the rugged Canadian climate, becoming so well adapted that it did not require expensive imported feed or intensive management. In 1850, there were at least 300,000 Canadienne cows in Canada but numbers began to dwindle due to Canadian government policies and the contemporary dairy industry, which favours dairy cows that produce milk in large volumes.

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Oceans for Tomorrow: Canadian Chefs’ Congress 2010

It was much more than a food festival. It was two plus days of inspiration and all things culinary including discussion about food policy, sustainability, educational workshops on ocean foods, a cook-off, wine and food tastings, and communal meals. The mood was celebratory – despite some serious rain – and the approximately 500 attendees (250 of them chefs) seemed energized, stimulated and inspired by the Canadian Chefs’ Congress 2010.

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