by J. Charles Grieco for The Ontario Hostelry Institute, a ‘Certified Good Food Fighter’

2009 Gold Award winners Daniel and Matt Speck flank OHI Chairman Charles Grieco as Paul Speck holds the Gold Award won by the Speck brothers for their work at Niagara's Henry of Pelham winery.
The names of those men and women, chosen by past Gold Award Honourees, together with the names of the new Fellows of the Institute, to be honoured at the 21st annual Gold Awards Dinner on Thursday, April 14th, 2011 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto has just been announced.
Their names and details can be found on the OHI web-site: Simply click here, and then click on the either of the red boxes to view the appropriate names.
Tables and tickets for this marquee industry event can be ordered on-line using our web-site address or ordered by down-loading an order form through the same web-site, and
faxed to the OHI at 416 363-3401.
This year, there are two levels of support, and the preferred Chairman’s Circle Tables bring with them the placement of your ‘ad’ on our web-site, with linkage back to your web-site and your enterprise along with its own details and business, products and opportunities, and of course preferred seating.
This Gold Awards Dinner marks our 2ist year of honouring men and women in our industry who ‘make a difference’ and of generating funds to support our much needed OHI awards and scholarship programs.
The cost a college or university experience, consistent with our industry needs, has reach unparalleled levels with the result that student debt levels have also soared. There is now research showing that this student accumulated debt-load is increasing faster than personal credit card debt!
A burden that brings with it a significant life-long challenge to overcome and satisfy.
The OHI’s work of supporting men and women, being prepared for important life-long careers in our industry, is more compelling and necessary than at any time in the past.
With very best personal regards and my thanks,
My Daughter Trista Sheen has been nominated into the “Top 30 Chefs…under 30 years of age” She has quite a large “Fan Base” thanks to her Extremely Proud Dad! Even to be “nominated” is an “Honor” within itself!
Sincerely Yours,
Ron Sheen
As well you should be, Sir, as this GFR article from last year attests:
Break a leg Trista!