Author: Jamie Drummond

Jamie Drummond on Food and Wine #28 Celeste Pesca

Earlier this week I sat down with the delightful Celeste Pesce who makes wine at Luca, one of Argentina’s most respected boutique labels and as it happens, three of Celeste’s wines are being released through Vintages on Saturday May 29th. Not usually being the biggest fan of many of the Argentinian offerings available I have to admit that I was most pleasantly surprised! Whilst not being as cheap as the majority of Argentinian juice that fills the store shelves these days, all three of these premium bottlings exhibit great value.

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Jamie Drummond on Food and Wine #27 Jason Collett

Now what’s better than sitting down at Bar Italia on a sunny afternoon, sharing a couple of pints with Toronto indie rock singer and songwriting legend Jason Collett? Jason shares his thoughts on the importance of good food, his diet whilst on tour, and all manner of other things… to be quite honest it was hard to get a word in edgeways…

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