by The Healthy Butcher, a ‘Certified Good Food Fighter’

For our Second Annual Healthy Butcher Farm Trip, our farmers have opened their gates and barn doors to welcome you, our customers.  We work together to bring you the best ethically and sustainably produced meats that are not only antibiotic-free and hormone-free (and certified organic, from our certified farmers) but locally raised and just plain TASTY!  We believe that if you grow it well, pay a fair price and take care in every stage of handling, customers will not only enjoy the food but respect the way in which it was grown.   Some stores talk about transparency, we’re walking you through the sometimes muddy fields of transparency. (Yes, rain or shine, we’re going… because rain or shine, our farmers keep going.)

We believe it is important to see where your food comes from and to know who is producing that food.  We’re proud of our farmers and the excellent job they continue to do.  So proud in fact that we thought we’d introduce you to them and have them show you their pride and joy, the animals they raise.  Local, ethical and sustainable aren’t just “talking points” in a sales pitch, they are the foundational tenets in a “real food” philosophy.

The trip is made all the better by our own Live to Eat catering.  Our luxury coach will get us to our destinations in style and our chefs will make sure you’re well fed on this journey.  We look forward to sharing the day with you and introducing you to our partners and friends, the people who raise the best meats you’ll ever eat…. our farmers.

Space is limited.

The Healthy Butcher’s annual Farm Trip – September 11 – visit a beef, pork, and duck farm in style!  Luxury coach and awesome food.  For more info and to sign up:

This trip is the launch to our week-long celebration “Festival of Farmers” in our stores.  The week features product demonstrations, huge sales of locally produced meats and goods and culminates in a “Top Butcher” competition.  For more information visit: