Vegan Indian Cooking is Chicago author and blogger Anupy Singla’s second cookbook. The Chicago-based journalist-turned-author is quickly making a name for herself, developing recipes that draw on her childhood in Philadelphia, growing up in an Indian house. While the recipes in Vegan Indian Cooking, which celebrates vegetables and eschews butter and cream, may be well rooted in tradition, her inspiration was her own working mother, who could put fresh food on the table, made from scratch every night. Singla gave up a successful career reporting for Bloomberg TV to do the same for her family and inspire North American home cooks to explore Indian cuisines from a modern and Western perspective with her books and blogging at I caught up with Singla at The Cookbook Store recently just before she led a demonstration to shoot the video below.

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Malcolm Jolley is a founding editor of Good Food Revolution and Executive Director of Good Food Media, the not-for-profit corporation which publishes it. Follow him at