This week, we catch up with Portuguese vigneron João Pedro of Casa de Cello, a gentleman we haven’t spoken to in almost a decade (to the very day!)

In Part One of this two-part interview, we speak to João about what he’s been up to in the last 10 years, taste through his terrific 2021 Quinta da Sanjoanne “Terroir Mineral”, and get his personal thoughts on the decline in wine consumption across Europe and indeed the rest of the world.

The 2021 Quinta da Sanjoanne “Terroir Mineral” is currently available through Buyers & Cellars for $25 a bottle, and I can assure you it is worth every penny. Thrilling stuff if, like me, you simply adore pronounced mineral elements in your wine.

Look out for Part Two next week.




Casa de Cello are represented in Ontario by Buyers & Cellars.

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