Tag: Sustainable

Harvest Time at The Healthy Butcher

Late Summer is filled with the anticipation of the return of familiar faces and familiar routines, as children go back to school and summer vacations end. The return to routine is bitter sweet. It signals a more settled time for everyone. We love this time of year because just as everyone is returning to making home cooked meals, they have a superb selection of ingredients from which to choose.

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Ocean Wise Sustainble Ceviche Smackdown

Five of our Ocean Wise chefs including Ted Corrado from C5, Cory Vitielo from The Harbord Room, Anthony Rose from The Drake Hotel, David Friedman from Fishbar and Kristen Donovan from Hooked Inc. will be competing to make the best sustainable ceviche as judged by you.

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Just Opened: Hub Coffee House and Locavorium

The room, like the kitchen, strives—and succeeds—to make an impact on patrons without actually making an impact on the environment. The collection of reclaimed woods, furniture, and fireplace mantle gives the space a comfortable and low-key feel. Two rows of worn antique metal trays of various shapes and sizes decorate one wall, a mirror another. A long Victorian-esque yellow couch sits at the open window, facing Shaw Street, and runs floor to ceiling, perpendicular to another wall of window on the north side. Hello, sunlight.

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