Winemaker Ken Forrester wakes me up early to share some wine via Zoom on International Chenin Blanc Day.
Today sees us once again return to South Africa, this time for an early morning (late night for him) virtual glass/bottle of wine with Winemaker Ken Forrester to celebrate International Chenin Blanc Day; granted I was sipping on some Languedoc Rosé, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
Never one to hold back, Ken was more than happy to discuss many of the more difficult topics on many people’s minds these days, and in this extended interview we touch upon South Africa’s alcohol/tobacco prohibition, the reality of the hospitality sector post COVID-19, his country’s troubled history re: racial inequality, the enormous lake of excess wine due to the pandemic, and his hopes for a better future as we all come through this.
As I was secreted at a cabin in the woods on the Bruce Peninsula and he was in Stellenbosch, our internet connection was less than crystal clear, but with the assistance of a few glasses of wine we both persevered.
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Ken Forrester Wines are represented in Ontario by Noble Estates.
Noble Estates are a Good Food Fighter.
Please support the businesses and organizations that support Good Food Revolution.
Edinburgh-born/Toronto-based Sommelier, consultant, writer, judge, and educator Jamie Drummond is the Director of Programs/Editor of Good Food Revolution… And that was a good chat, especially with the wine early in the morning! (Not usual for me BTW)