Eigensinn Farm Harvest Music Festival – Sunday September 17
Read Moreby | Aug 15, 2017 | Good Food Events | 0
Read Moreby Malcolm Jolley | Oct 16, 2012 | Good Food Events | 0
More than 200 chefs and culinary professionals have committed to donating their time and expertise...
Read Moreby Malcolm Jolley | Jul 11, 2012 | Good Food Culture | 0
Declan O’Driscoll won a James Beard award for his documentary on raw milk champion Michael...
Read Moreby Malcolm Jolley | Jul 6, 2012 | Good Food Culture | 0
Michael Stadtlander has something new cooking up for summer at Eigensinn, his renown farm and...
Read Moreby | Jun 28, 2012 | Good Food Culture | 4
by Anthony Wing Being the second part, following the first part of the confessional memory of a six-week gazebo project… High weekday noon along a secondary Eigensinn road, a benign Appian Way hedged with scores of wine...
Read Moreby Jamie Drummond | Apr 27, 2012 | Good Food Culture | 0
Hospitality professionals are not known for their propensity to rise early, and yet by 8 o’clock on a grey April morning in downtown Toronto, a few hundred of them had congregated for the Terroir Symposium, the first-ever event at the new Oliver & Bonacini Arcadian Court. And by 9 o’clock about five hundred of them were ready for the day’s program to begin.
Read Moreby | Apr 26, 2012 | Good Food Culture | 4
I was standing, nay swaying, with Oyster Boy in the massive courtyard-like quad midway through the 100-acre georgic sprawl of Eigensinn Farm. A longtime Stadtlander confrere and wilderness wellspring, OB visits so often that a remote cabin on the property has long been effectively oyster-annexed…
Read Moreby | Feb 27, 2012 | Good Food Culture | 1
Terroir is pleased to launch its theme and website for its 6th annual event, taking place at the Oliver & Bonacini Arcadian Court in downtown Toronto on April 23, 2012. Entitled, The New Radicals, the symposium hosts those who are serious about the business of food and hospitality, and seek to develop and refine their careers. Tickets are now on sale ($175 plus HST) via the new Terroir VI website for a day of innovative programming with current industry leaders.
Read Moreby | Sep 29, 2011 | Good Food Events | 2
At Foodstock, a hundred or so chefs from across Ontario (and a few special guests from further away – see the list below) will be cooking for anyone who shows up to hear concerts by artists like Jim Cuddy and Sarah Harmer to show opposition to the proposed Mega Quarry, which is to be dug (literally) next door.
Read Moreby | Sep 28, 2011 | Good Food Culture | 0
“I think on a general level, as a cook, you always want to become a chef and own your own restaurant—so you can have your own thing that you’re doing,” says Aaron Joseph Bear Robe, chef and owner of Keriwa Café, which opened August 10 on the last stretch of Queen Street before Roncesvalles.
Read Moreby | Sep 22, 2011 | GFR Opinion Piece | 1
On September first Ontario Environment Minister announced the proposed mega quarry would be subject to a full environmental assessment, including public hearings. For filmmaker Jason Van Bruggen and his wife Blaine, whose family has owned property near the proposed blasting sites for decades, the assessment is an important victory against the proposed environmental degradation, but just a first step in ensuring the damage from the proposed quarry never comes to pass.
Read Moreby | Jul 7, 2011 | Good Food Culture | 0
For the fourth year in a row, the Drake Hotel played host to the Earth Day Canada fundraiser. The entire venue, from the Underground where the awards ceremony was held, to the Lounge where MC Sean Cullen held court and the Sadies rocked the house, to the Sky Yard where a barbecue station and plenty of Mill House Organic Lager had the joint rockin’.
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