Tag: Photo Essay

Sardinian Tour: In Search of Typical Cuisine

Culigiones, a very particular type of agnolotto filled with potato, mint and an acidulated Sardinian sheep’s milk cheese, are perfectly executed and we mop up the sauce, or ‘facciamo la scarpetta’ we make the little shoe as they say in Italia, with intricately sculpted traditional bread. The smell of the porceddu, roast-suckling pig, fills the air as it sizzles fireside in the center of the gorgeous dining room.

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Toronto Terra Madre Dinner: A Slow Food Photo Essay

Jo Dickins took her camera to reds bistro on June 18 for Slow Food Toronto dinner in aid of the group’s efforts to send a delegation to Terra Madre, Slow Food International’s bi-annual congress in Turin. Each course was prepared by a duo of leading local chefs. Dickins offers the following photo essay, which shows both the chefs’ mastery and their spirit of cooperation that make them and the Toronto fine-dining scene so unique.

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